Music Video choice

This is my first song choice. It is Tensnake feat Thabo- pressure. I thought this tune is very different to anything else. The thoughts I have is a lot of people dancing about. Also the video to be very colourful. The locations would be many different places including nice scenery. Also we could listen to the lyrics more and get some octagons from this. The song sounds quite old fashioned and could be set in the past. The main character could stand out in different clothes compared to everyone else.

This is chase and status - pressure. I like this song as it is jumpy and will suit one of us well. However tis one could get a bit boring half way through due to it being repetitive.

This is my final choice. The song is really different. I think some weird editing could be done throughout the video and the narrative could be played with well.

1 comment:

  1. Is this for your song pitch? What are the ideas behind it? Themes and visuals write them up please.
