
Synergy in music is how artists use other media platforms to get across their image. During class, we looked at how Daft Punk use synergy, in order to represent their brand and artist imagery. For example, in most videos, album covers and posters, the theme of mask, electronics and dark colours became a common occurrence. This meant that their image was instantly recognised by fans or even just members of the public.
Jess Glynne

This is jess Gylnne album cover I Cry When I Laugh. The album cover is colourful an mostly in pink. The song are clearly laid on the back of the cover. She is the main focus on the album cover. The title is to the side of the cover also in white writing like the back cover. Jess is soaking as her hair demonstrates. Her makeup looks likes it had run as she has been crying. This is directly linked to the title of the album.

Jess Glynnes website-
As you cans see by the website the colour is the same as the album and the font of the whole website is like the albums. Her name is in big font and the title of the album is standing out as soon as you get onto the page. She has a section for releases, videos, store, tour dates and finally a place to sign up to her website to receive emails and special updates. Further down the page there is other albums and singles she ahs released with there own cover. As When I Cry I Laugh is the latest release there website is based around this style and colour. It also has her social media link in the website where you can follow along with her life. There is information about where you can access her albums such as iTunes and spotify.

This is one of the main songs in I Cry When I Laugh. Right at the begging the video starts in black and white and keeps flashing back to black and white during the video. However overall the video is very colourful and matches the album cover with being bright and some of the effect  makes the video look pink. The video is also mainly about her. The majority of the clip jess in centre of the frame like the album cover. 

This is a magazine cover that was released around the same time as the album. The colours of the magazine and the album match. This isn't just the colour of the Elle magazine it is different for every other issue made. Also jess is the main focus again. The cover is colourful and bright like the video. The ELLE is in white like the album cover writing.

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