Banana Phone

This is my editing for banana phone. We were given a number of special effect to attempt on a piece of paper. That included different activities and shots. For the first shot we had to make it look like a really small object looked the same size as a person further away. I added in the blur of the person on the left side as I thought this looked different then had a transition that made the screen go to normal. After this I finally did a dissolve so the blur gradually entered the screen only this time on the right side of the small character. The second shot was a tracking shot which we filmed on a wheel chair. this was more about the timing of the lip syncing and the camera work so I only added in a black and white effect. After this we had to shot someone walking backwards over many of obstacles and then reverse the clip so it looks like they are walking forward. The lip syncing didn't go with the song as it was in reverse but I think it look very different. Furthermore we had to film and person within another camera screen. The head and shoulder had to look like they fitted together but still looked like it was on a different screen. This was simply editing the song to get it in time with the lyrics then leave the video how it was. I thought this looked very good. Second from last we had to shot a person in 3 different places then clone them so it looked like they were on one screen. This was a thing I and never done before but I thought looked good in the end. The lighting changed a bit therefore it didn't match up the best. Also I think the camera moved so the shots didn't match the best but it doesn't look that obvious. Finally we had to produce a stop motion story line with mini action figures. This was pretty simple once the pictures were loaded onto the computer. All i had to do is get them in the correct order and then decide how long each shot would be so it flowed nicely. I decided to choose a different soundtrack and i thought banana phone didn't go.

The shots that the video must include was:
- Filming a person sitting down with the monitor window open and with another camera film the monitor.
- Cloning editing task 
- Depth of field task 
- Reverse shot
- Wheelchair/tripod
- Lego stop motion
- Split screen

- Make someone colour and the background black and white

1 comment:

  1. sp were -we were given a number of special effects to attempt check grammar please
