Student Music Video Analysis

I like this music video due to the dancing and the acting of the characters involved. All the moves are planned out very well. The story is quite easy to follow. The fades of the characters are good and clear. The shots of the dancers are really well filmed and very smooth. This looks very professional. Secondly the silhouettes look very good and the lip syncing is in time with the lyrics. The locations in some of the shots are very good and different compared to other music videos. However the first of the house looks basic. Furthermore the ending of the video finishes with 'The End' which I didn't think ended the video well. The different frame angles and sizes of shots is really nice in this video as well.

I like the black and white effect during the video this looks  very good. It sets the mood with the lyrics. The acting is good in most parts but i think sometimes it was giving a different mood compared to the sound of the tune. Secondly the acting didn't really with the rap part. I didn't think this looked natural. I think the piano shot is very good but the window in the background doesn't look very good. I think this ruins the shot due to its look. In some of the shots you could see where the actor had just started to walk from a still position, this didn't look natural. Many of the locations in the video were basic. The height of the shots are always eye level really and face on which doesn't vary much.

I really like the first shot in this video. The sun shining through the trees looks very clear and the movement of the camera flows well. The revers of the whole video works quite well. The cut from the actor on along the street to the beach is quite a drastic change in locations when you can see the establishing setting is along and road with no seaside in sight. There is some change in the camera level but no much. The shot of the kites in the sky looks very good. I think this is one of the best shots. The camera is wobbly in some places which doesn't look very good. The sea shot to the gate shot is a lot better than the first one i believe. The actor and the frame size is matched up very well.

Mark Scheme


  1. Apply the mark scheme to the videos, what mark should they get and why?

  2. Remember these are student videos, change the title
