Final Music Video


Link :::

Walk through of our website ::

Final Digipack

This is the final digipack that i created for our band. Working from the feedback from the class I made the top and bottom half look like the same digigpack with a colour theme, not make the design of it all indie or dark (just my personal style coming through) and designing something that actually works for the bands image and brand.

For the background I used a still from the video of the blue sky hence the slight gradient of lighter blue to darker blue, this immediately gave the digipack an energy that it didn't have before and a more vibrant visual - just like the band has.

I then went on to use the bands colours across the whole digipack, something that we created early on within the project was for each man in the band to have their own colour representing them and that can spread across all the media for the band.

These colours are clearly displayed straight away as representing the individual members of the band on the front cover as the colour of their handprint faces is the only colour on them. This edit on the bandmates was done two different ways, Olly and JK's (right and centre) were done on Premiere Pro in the edit, using the video effect "Leave Colour" and then playing with the effect settings to find what worked for that frame. Harry (Left) was more difficult to get a clean distinguishing blue against grey, his skin colour still coming though in places I think because of lighting being different across the face. So what I did was duplicate the layer of the image on Photoshop and then turn one layer Black and White while the original image layer underneath remained in colour and then I used the "Background Eraser" tool, whilst the black and white layer was selected, to erase the black and white filter/layer on the hand print on the face to reveal the coloured handprint. I then merged the layers so I could select Harry's head and shoulders to copy him over to the front cover.

The colours of the band are also seen on the back cover with he song list where i used a paint tool on photoshop and changed the actual brush to something that was more flowing and drew on three different layers the colours of the band members and then continued the theme of using labels for the song names.
On one of the inside pockets Nathan displayed the bands colours again but this time with smoke from the smoke bomb scene. I cut out the band from the beginning scene and then Nathan cloned smoke onto new layers behind the band members.

For this section Nathan got Olly to write out lyrics to the Monday Morning song, Nathan imported the image, inserted a blank layer behind. I then proceeded to quick select each individual letter of the lyrics, then deleted what Nathan had selected leaving the white outline of the words and copied those over to the digipack section.

For the CD Nathan was told in feedback to make it more visual than just the grey disk with the songlist and band name on it so i imported colour thumbprints as pngs so they wouldn't have backgrounds and again showing the bands colours. I like the simple design to the CD and from my research this seems to be what real bands do most of the time with there CD design.

This last section is really simple and is just cut outs of the bands, using the quick selection tool and re arranging their positioning on the digipack.

Final Poster

Final Magazine

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 2



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Evaluation Question 4

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Our music video was aimed at all the teen ages and can range up to low 20's. We also showed people that where of a higher age range and most enjoyed to view out video. so there is a big range that it can appeal to. We found the range we aimed at was a classic pop and dance age range.also similar songs and artists have the same sort of age range.
Below is a presentation showing examples of our primary and secondary audience:

Near the end of November to start of December we finished our first draft of our music video and we got feedback on the viewing which helped us develop out music video further and move out the bad parts and add in new improved parts. We had a clear idea what we need to improve before our final piece was presented and finalised.

This is some of the feedback we received...

From this feedback we decided to make a few changes with the out of focus shot being replaced by the folder and coffee cup hitting the floor. We corrected the camera shaking by editing it on premier also the end shot was.
We also got feedback of ur digipack..Here is some of the feedback we got (hover over image then over the red and white circles).

We knew that we needed to change a few parts as the top and bottom do not look like they belong together.

This is our final digipack... as you can see it is a huge change from the first draft as we needed to create more synergy.

We also got a focus group to view our music video. Here it is...

I created a questionnaire for people to answer after a screening. These are a few of the results and a few watching our video...

This is feedback from a ex GBHS media student who is now involved in the music industry...
Avenue - Monday Morning (Final) – A really clear beginning middle and end. A well thought out video with endearing performances from the band with great lip-sync and fun energy. The comedy was well balanced and the video continued to develop as new scenes played out, helping to drive the story through.

I also created a survey for people to give more detailed responses... I also sent it our to more people as it was easier to access them through email.

Here is the responses a collected...

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This is some feedback from fellow media students. The questioned i ask throughout are shown before the people answer them. We learned that some shots are not liked and feel out of place. For example the forest shots. A few people said that this could be changed.

Summary of what we learnt:
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Gym Scene Inspiration

Below is a video that we studied earlier in the year on genre conventions and analysis of videos - we used this as one of our inpirations for the gym scene because of the aerobiocs style but mostly we had an idea of what we wanted to achieve and this video generally gave a basis of how to do and how not to do it because it is almost grotesque in its dancing/performance, we didn't want this we wanted funny exercise with the band - just like in the rest of the video, its all fun.

Evidence of Filming - Outro

Avenue Audience


The create our intro and outro we had to create foley. In the track above the first part is pen sounds as our original intro idea was Joe writing the song name and the name of the band on a piece of paper, this idea was scrapped however we kept the foley to refer to in our evaluation. Other foley in this clip includes knocking, folder slapping and shouting.

Digipack - CD Inspiration

I really like the simple aspect to CD designs, everyone in the class was doing pictures all over their CD's and i wanted our groups to be different, not just following the crowd of pictures on the CD because i know for a fact a lot of CD's within albums don't actually have pictures on them, instead they do just have the songs and the band names and maybe some logos of the band or a design of some sorts, rarely they are actually photos.

Digipack - Lyric Part Inspiration

Two albums that i own at home both have this scrippled, doodle-esk writing within their digipack booklets within them, i really liked this informal style to the booklets, breaking the mold of the regimented nature of the media.
I wanted it to be on our digipack to bring that informality of the group across also a design aspect that looks different form the average load of typography.

Evidence of Filming - GYM

Label Generator

Below is the link to the website that generates the vintage labels that i used on my digipack to give off that vintage feel, that 70's older generation vibe, where everybody had a label maker.

We used these vintage labels across all of our media to have synergy across everything to do wth the band; the digipack, the website and in the video.

The website :::

Examples of Label's created for the digipack

Front Cover Inspiration

Below is inspiration that i found for the front cover of the album/digipack, i was struggling to try and find the colourful creative feel of the band and replicate it onto the digipack design. I google searched images and found this Robin Thicke album cover.

It inspired my design because there are three images of him on the cover, our band contains three people and gave me the idea of how to present them behind the frontman, which is JK. And then my play on the colouring was to instead of just copying green and red colour of Robin Thickes cover, we decided to run with the colour of the hand prints on the bands faces rather than filter them completely through a colour.

Intro & Outro Plannig

Below is a video of Wes Anderson shots from his plethora of films, where the camera angle is completely pointed downwards, a birds eye angle, of the desk or whatever is below.

This style of filming is something I really like because its so refreshing to the eye after seeing so much "normal" visual imagery and I think it would be really good to include in our video.

My thoughts are to use this as a filming style for an intro and outro to the video.

Filler Shot/Pick Up Planning

Folder Hand Over

Below is a gif of the folder hand over shot that we want to reshoot, maybe as a close up, extreme close of hands connecting with the folder, kind of like Quentin Tarantino style, with his really close up cut away.

Have to make sure to get the action exactly the same ::: JK reaches out with his right hand and grabs folder from Harry who is passing it with his righthand.

Coffee Hand Over

Oliver hands the Coffee cup to Jk with his right hand and pours coffee into the mug with his left. Should get a extreme close up of the coffee pouring and water turning to coffee in the cup.

Intro & Outro Planning

I had the idea to bring a loose narrative into the music video via an intro and outro clip. The narrative would be that a worker is daydreaming at his boring 9 to 5 job and a folder is slammed on his desk and he opens it and it has the band name and song inside "AVENUE - MONDAY MORNING" and then the rest of the video ensues and then at the end the video fades to black and fades out of black to the same scene but the worker opens the folder and it is just filled with the usual corporate paperwork.

Beginning shot :
Foley of the background noise of office environment.
Bird Eye View Top down shot from high angle, slightly in front of the workers head so the shot isn't taken up by the top of the head and instead just the hands and sleeves. Full frame is to be taken up by desk.
Office worker has hands clasped, twiddles his thumbs, taps the desk etc and then a yellow folder (to match the one in the video) is slammed on the desk.
Voice heard in background " Get me those spreadsheets by the end of the day!"
Worker opens folder and the first page is the band name and song title for the video, use label pictures for synergy across website and digipack.
Spin up for spin up transition into the rest of the music video.

End Shot :
Fade in from black.
Voice shouting in background amongst office environment foley "Joseph stop daydreaming".
Worker re-opens folder and it is filled of corporate paperwork.

Poster Development

This is the first poster i came up with. The image was really clean and it felt like we was walking out of the poster. You could clearly see all three members with Jk at the front as he is the main artist. All the information i needed could be put around us so none of the writing would cover us. Secondly the title was bold and the dates were clear.

This was my second ides of using us in the play ground but there was not that much space for text so I cloned the pavement more but this looked out of place. I like there quality of this photo and we all looked the same. Its is in our music video therefore people wold know the link. 

I had the idea of using the bridge shot however we looked a but fuzzy as we was quite far away. I used this text as it links to our digi pack. The tour dates are difficult the read on the plants therefore this idea couldn't be used. The date need to be clear and displayed well. The shot does look nice and is in our video again.

The 4th idea i had was using a shot down the avenue as this was our first scene. furthermore i used the smoke bomb and cloned this in as Nathan was going to use this on 8r digipack. This gave me nice space to write all the dates and the title. The concrete make a nice space for the tour title to go and it stood out. However we decided the smoke didn't work on the digi pack or poster so we did not use this in the end.

As the colours made it hard to read the text due to all the colour we had the idea of putting in a block colour background so the dates could be displayed. Also we added in the smoke still around the edged to create the synergy needed. This text was more formal and bold however this didn't match our theme through website and digipack.

Former Student / Student Feedback

Avenue first draft: love the way the background is out of focus at the start and at 40 seconds when there’s blurry grass in the foreground! good quality footage makes a big difference! the ending is great, it really builds up into that finale. when the words appear, i think it might look better if they were in the same split box effect with the black border as 2:36 and 2:40 instead of just overlaid? I feel like when the words come up at an angle it looks a bit unprofessional and less bold than if it was in the same effect as the other clips or even if it was just all bold across the centre of the shot like “head” and “paint”. really fun to watch! really original!

Monday morning is noit a good name for the videoDo not like drmaa 

Avenue: We got full top mark ticks from this student. Also the student said editing is amazing and is simple but makes the video. End shot needs improving. 

Avenue: We got top mark ticks. Level four they stated. Also again they said end shot is needed to be changed and one or twos shots throughout. 

Avenue: Top mark ticks, level 4, Amazing. 

Avenue: They said monday morning isn't a good name for our video. They liked the walking shots. They didn't like the subway background as it looked grimey. Also close-ups looked excellent. The split screen they were torn on. 

Avenue: The unfocused shot on the first scene needs to be corrected. Low angle shots were not in time. Walk through forest needed to be sped up. They also said they were a bit dull. Jk jumped a little higher after smoke bomb scene. 

Avenue: Good video and holds enough interest throughout.

Avenue: just change ending. 

Avenue: 1st alley shot is not good quality, level 4. 'Mad effects' and fluent theme. 

Avenue: Out of focus first shot. The editing they liked. Don't like the subway shot. Don't understand walking through forest shot. They liked the colours of the playground and the theme red, green and blue. Don't like the drama studio shots. Don't like the ending shot. Could have birds eye view shot. 

Avenue: Love every part. little out of sync in science room. 

Avenue: Change colour of Ollys tie. 

Avenue: Love the colour theme. The idea of the photo shot transition just needs reshooting. 

Avenue: Don't like montage of shots together. i love all other shots especially powder paint. 

Avenue: Don't get walking through forest. Camera shakes sometimes. 37/40

Avenue: Don't like parts with words. 

Avenue: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. the forest scene doesn't fit. The unfocused first shot looks out of place. 

Avenue: Pretty flawless. Camera does shake on occasions and a couple shots loom a bit false/out of place. 

Avenue: Like correlation with paint and lyrics. Transitions are cool. Favourite is 360 degree shot. Some shots unsteady, not sure about text over faces. 

Avenue: This is so good. The colours are really vibrant and is enjoyable. The beginning shot goes out of focus and at times the camera shakes and moves too quickly. 

Digipack Feedback From Peers

Avenue – the images of all the band at the top looks really good with the text over their faces. The background for the bottom images looks good and works with the bands image. 8

· Like the colour clouds
· Don’t understand the CD
· Coloured hands on faces look good
· Don’t get the song name
· Don’t get all the writing over the faces

The front cover is appealing straight away and the photo is really good. I don’t think the powder background really matches the digipack. The text on the back with the songs is a bit difficult to see and the font doesn’t really match the other font on there. The writing across their faces are cool but it means you can’t see the faces of the artists but the colours look good with the black and white. There is not much consistency with the colour scheme. I don’t think the spines match either. really nice as it is bright and eye catching. Although along with it being unfinished, on the back cover he titles of the songs can be a bit difficult to read, and maybe need to be made bolder.
I like the idea that you have with the smoke that goes around the edges. I also like the vibrancy and brightness that you have throughout the photos.
To improve the Digipack though I would make the top of Digipack match the bottom better meaning it isn’t as consistent as it could be. Also where the lyrics go over the top of the spines you can’t see part of the words, so maybe change the background images. 7/10

Really like the images, looks highly professional. It is very confusing for the eyes, as there is a lot going on – but is that to match with the music video? I like how each artist represents a different colour, however I don’t like the blue and pink background, as I think it looks a bit random. Overall, however, looks very good and professional. (Level 3)

I like the top three pictures where it is the boys where the lyrics cover their faces as I like the black and white and then the pop of colour on their faces. I think there is a big difference between the top row of photos and the bottom row of faces and it looks quite messy. I like the front cover but personally don’t really like the background you have used on the bottom row of photos. I think the text on the list of songs on the album should maybe be in a bolder colour so that it stands out more. I think the colour of the cd which is grey doesn’t go with the theme of the digipack or the yellow writing on the CD. The yellow writing on the CD should maybe be changed to either red, blue or green so that it matches with the rest of the digipack.

AVENUE – Really like the 3 pictures of the guys in top however it makes it confusing with all the writing over their faces.  Other than that I think it is really great as it highlights their synergy and how the guys are really like.  LEVEL 3

The 3 photos of the band are effective because it means we instantly know that they are ‘all together as one’. Furthermore, the image in the bottom corner is humours which portrays the bands image effectively. However, I feel the font on the front cover of the digipack could be massively improved and really undermines the creativity.

Avenue- I love this digipak, it all matches well and the colours blend well with each other. To improve the CD could have a bit more design on it.

Needs arranging properly but the design is good however the picture for the back cover needs moving.  7

Website Feedback From Peers

Maybe with the tour dates, it could take you to a different page instead of an anchor point. This could look really cool because you could have your tour poster in the background. Maybe this will sell the tour much better, offering a link which takes you where you can go straight to buying the tickets. This will also bulk up the website even more.

The bio page doesn’t have very detailed information on and is a bit too short. The tour section is too small and plain and boring. Really like the music page. Overall I think the colour scheme for the website is good and matches the theme of the video. Ella O
Don’t like the music that plays automatically you have to scroll down to stop it. Shouldn’t be on an automatic loop. Don’t like the red writing but it is bold and does stand out. Opening photo is really nice and shows the group well. The text should be a bit bigger as can’t really see it properly but the font is good with the theme. The photos look really professional and there is lots of information which is interactive. Does look like a very professional website.

Good screen as you open up the site. The buttons at the top look a bit too basic and could be improved. Actually make a full bio instead of having a button but nothing comes up when you click on it. Tour dates look good. Who are we? Basic info? About us? Too much, no one is going to read all of that. Clothing Read more??? Change. Nice merch
give me a pallete ima paint this town red.

The website is bright, vibrant and excited which is really nice to look at. The photos used are clear and all the links work well. I also like the page for the merchandise and the fact that you can buy tickets on it too. It is REALLY ANNOYING that the song plays every time you go on the home page and there is a slight inconsistency in the fonts used throughout and at times I think there is too much text on a single page. Level 3- 7/10
I like the cartoons of each member – makes it fun Header image showcases image of band – colourful etc. Merch page looks professional but they have individual buttons but it leads to the same page Don’t like the red text on Header About Us is too long – maybe break into paragraphs Why is Tour Date on right side Every page should be individual instead of just being on one page Level 4 – 9 By Angel

7, - Quite bland and limited, Heard the song too many times before, don’t need to instantly hear it again, Like the background and the quality of photos

7- The music playing is a good touch and makes the website unique, becomes a little annoying after a while, Tour dates are really good and work well and The about page is very good and detailed.

like the colours, dont like shape of buttons at top, not much on who are we section, dont like the music playing when you go on website, dont understand the tiger and theres not much merchandise. 6/10

8 - The front page looks really good and with the little cartoon characters. The font works really well with the band. On the gallery maybe don’t make it auto play? Really good website with some minor changes, at the bottom just remove the youtube icon. By Charlie

I absolutely love the little images of the avenue boys as it makes it playful and fun. All the images are fun and high quality. I don’t know if the basic info section is needed, it seems a bit irrelevant and like a Wikipedia page which doesn’t fit with the rest of the website. On the merchandise you either need to delete the product description section or write a description as it is just the default setting at the moment as well as the refunds/shipping policy. I really enjoyed this website however maybe make the pages separate so less scrolling. 9/10. Clare

The full bio doesn’t load up. I like the mini characters at the top. Not sure if you need to basic info box as the description and about us already explains that. I like how things pop up as you scroll down the website. I like how everything is really high quality and professional looking. Id mark this website a 9.

love the design and layout of the website - suits the genre of the artist, feels like a happy website. Gallery video is unique with the song is also a good use of syngery. Good use of infrmation on the website, not boring. High Level 3

I like the bitmojis at the bottom of some of the articles and the way that the song plays when you open up the website. A couple of the pictures looks a little bit out of focus. Level 3

"download full bio" needs to be linked, digipak cover looks quirky which fits artist, colours are good and bold, think there should also be a gallery where you can navigate through pictures instead of a video, I like the ticketmaster banner, "tickets", "clothing" and "album" links need to go to the right places. - 7/10 Level 3

Can't even fault your website which is extremely annoying ( Level 4) Love the whole colour schemes and pages, clearly represent the artists image and i also love the photo album, looks very professional
Level 3 - Loveeeeee it, it's really fun and colourful! Great synergy. Some pictures in the collage are blurry 

My Digipack Feedback For Other Groups

 ANNIKA – Think the title of the album could be displayed better. I like the text used. Think the artists name is too big. Nice clean photos. Name cut out on bottom corner.

MYA – Love all the photos they are really nice, especially the bottom right with MYA and parental advisory on it. The colour scheme is well matched. I like the CD cover. Think the song names could be put in capitals as well to match your artists name and numbered or spaced out more so it doesn’t look like a paragraph. Logo down the spine.

TORI LORENTE – Photos match well. The song list starts to go useable towards the brightness of the flash. Think the photos on the chair could be better, look pretty basic.

IVORY – photos are really clean and nice and match well. Don’t really like the message page. Logo is used well throughout. CD cover looks really nice. Good text used and it is clear.

IURIS – The words around the photos are really nice and match throughout. Think the effect on the CD cover could be used again. Really good front cover. Like the font used. I like the alternate black and white boxes. Think the cable tower could be edited out of the mirror and song list could be put in a getter place. Some parts a little hard to read.

SEMPA – Name? Logo? Album name? Is the keep clear the album name or just there looks a bit out of place. Think there are a bit too many ideas put into one. The bottom left is 1 idea then the blurred photos are another. Then normal photos another idea. All photos are good however. Just need to display them differently.

AVA – I really like the front cover in red. The album names are really good but I think the ‘love you’ should be on the same line. The camo colour is nice. The blurriness running throughout is good. The keys look clearly edited in this could be changed. Is there an album name?               The yellow front cover isn’t as good. If you want the yellow them can you do the same as the red with yellow? I like the bottom left, text is nice.  Could be yellow background with white hearts. Bottom right looks a bit out of place.

LUELLA – God theme of red throughout. Words are a bit hard to read on the bottom left and song list. Think name could be put on front cover. Nice use of red smoke on CD. Good clean photos used. Think white backgrounds should be changed to black, as this will match the whole digi pack more.

STELLATO - Good photos. Think the text is a bit basic. 2 of the same photos just in different colour? Think CD cover could be better and match the rest of the digipack better.

HEIDI – do not like the photo of the legs. Look out of place and random. Cd cover is nice and matches all the colours. Like how the song lists is displayed but don’t like the arm in the photo. Also I think all of them should be white dots or all the purple boxes. Nice front cover. Don’t like the information page. Words hard to read on top right. All of them should be based around looking like a stamp or 1. 

Final Chorus Trail

In this post Olly has evaluated the editing technique we are considering to use in the final chorus of the music video. We had the idea of using different boxes and playing different footage in different boxes with the colours of the band in the spare boxes.

In the first box part olly felt the size of the main video for the section was too small so olly is going to make this bigger. In the third part the main box is a lot larger than in the first part and it looks a lot better.

Another aspect we might change is making the lines between each box white instead of black. This is because some of our footage has a black background and the lines aren't very clear.

In regards to the coloured boxes. Olly is thinking we could make a colourful animation of a moving pattern to put in these sections as they look too plain at the moment.

Our teacher feedback also suggested we put text into the video to line up with the lyrics especially in the coloured boxes.

Overall, we are going to use this idea however we are going to make some alterations.

Digipack Feedback From Teachers

Below is the feedback from Mrs Field and Mrs Brookes on my groups digipack (1st Draft).

The smoke bomb collage is ugly and doesn't synergies with the three images above and it distracts from the nice images on the front and back cover of the digipack.
The fonts need to be the same on the back and the front covers.
Find another picture of Olly where he doesn't look so "zoned out"

So what Nathan is going to do is assess what we can do to still incorporate the smoke within the digipack for synergy from the video but in a way that makes it look more like smoke and not a "little chef table" or a "hospital gown" in the collage state that it is currently in.

Also for the text Nathan wants to make the word appear as if from an old label maker to mix in the vintage vibe that comes along with the modern sounds of the band.

Reflection Of Filming

Avenue 1
This was our first planned filming day and we had this idea right from the start. We wanted to kick off the video with a well thought out and well planned starting scene. The ideas come from all of us and we had a location in place. when we got to the avenues we realised there was a few more cars than we was anticipating. We scoped the area and thought this wasn't the place for us. We got back in the car and went to another avenue called 5th avenue. This was much better and there was a lot of trees the sun was shining and there was fewer cars. We was here for about 30 minutes as we got set up and did a few run throughs to make sure we had the best footage. Then we walked down the avenue and saw a bridge over a river and we thought this was a good location to shoot some dancing and us hanging off the bridge which looked very good when we got back to school. Also we saw a park on the walk back which looked sunny and had bright colours. We had many ideas here like mucking about on the see-saw and on the swings and on a slide and on a round about. These were nice filling shots to use. That concluded our first filming ay which wad an overall success. We had the idea of starting off our image 
Avenue 2
We went back to the same placer to shoot some more shots cause we thought it was such a good location. We did a in time of use 3 walking down the avenue in the middle of the road. Also we had the idea of 3 of us running down the road. There was a bench in the play ground which we thought we could do a load of random photos that would go in time with the beat where there is no signing. This worked really well and due to Nathans camera the shoots looked really nice. As you can see by the photo. the sun was out it was nice blue sky and it looked exactly the same as the first day of filming which was nice to match.
Drama Studio
The drama studio was a simple idea of us playing instruments and Jk singing along. We would all be in blue jeans and a white top. Also we would have a hand print of our designated colours. Harry is blue, Jk is red and Olly is green. These shoots were simple with a black background and we had to idea to black and white everything else out expect our face paint. This looked really good as the colour stood out and popped. We got single shots of us all dancing and on our own to fill in the video if we needed it. At the start we had the task of getting and good print on our face. This took about half hour as we watch Ollie attempt this and it didn't looked the best. We had to get this perfect before we had our hour slot in the drama studio as there was lesson either side so we got prepared the hour before and got in and filmed efficiently.
Dance Studio
The dance studio was another idea thought up by Nathan and Olly. They had the idea of us sitting down and then Jk would through a white sheet over the camera and when it falls back down it would reveal a different scene of us dancing together or just one of us. This effect would happen a few times which looked really good when edited and the effect was nice and smooth. We was in full suits again and in the same accessories.
Science Room
We had an idea of doing a science experiment that would bubble up and be colourful. We went to the science room as this had all the equipment and the mise en scene fitted the idea of a science experiment. The white background of the wall looked good and made up pop more. We did have an idea of using science jackets but the science room didn't provide us with them as they had one but didn't have the others. They sent us all over the place saying there was more here but this was not the case. So we just rolled up our sleeve son our suit and took of our suit jackets. We had other ideas for the video as we was in these locations. We thought of us dancing on the table and getting our feet moving. We had a dance move mapped out that would go along with the lyrics and us dancing as we lip synced the lyrics.
Smoke Bomb Scene - Field
This was a big scene. We ordered the smoke bombs months ago. We had the ideas in our head from the start and we hadn't set a day to film cause we wanted together all he other scenes done first. We put a day and it was very lucky we did wait as the sun was out for the 2 hours we was over there and blue sky's as far as the eye could see. We strolled over in our suits with equipment in hand. We had toe cope out the area as the sun was in a different place compared with the location scout therefore the direction we were going to film was not useable anymore. We did a few practise shots and filming run throughs so we had it our head what we was exactly going to do. As we only had 30 seconds of smoke to get all the shots we needed. The first attempt we had Nathan scoping around us then when he was behind us we would lit the smoke bombs. Harry had trouble the first time but got under way after a few attempts. Jk and Olly did it first time. We held the smoke bombs then through them. We thought i was going to create a wall of smoke inn the 3 colours but this turned out not to be the case. The wind was strong and going towards the camera so the smoke ran along the floor. Us jumping over the smoke didn't have the same effect as planned. So we re-grouped and thought of a way the smoke will fill the screen like we wanted. The second take everyone lit the smokes bombs when they needed too no hassle. Instead of throwing them we would hold them while we run and then wave them about so it would cover the frame. This would be us lip syncing and dancing to the tune. Secondly we had the idea of us jumping down onto the camera so it looked like we was flying in mid air. All we needed was a blue, sunny sky. Overall we had a a very successful day of filming.